We are now at Golgotha, the place of the skulls, the hill upon which Jesus was crucified. Consistent with His ministry and instructions, Jesus’ Hnal words were words revealing the word of redemption, and of comfort and instruction and faith. Jesus final words have ranged from separation from His Father, to physical suffering, to the resolve of forgiveness of his enemies care for his family and disciples, and the redemption of one who believed on the cross next to him in his final minutes of his life.
“Truly, I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Reference: Luke 23:43
What it means: Jesus hung on the cross between two thieves. After hours of mocking and jeering, one thief started to notice something different about Jesus. He rebuked the other thief and then asked Jesus to remember him when hie came into His kingdom.
In the words of Jesus, is the simplest and most straightforward promise of salvation. This man did not attend church, made no pretense about religious activity, had no pattern of good works, had NO claim to a place in heaven. But Jesus’s promise was classic.
Why it matters: The forgiveness and the mercy of God is so far beyond our comprehension that we can hardly talk about it, Billy Graham said. “Yes that thief is going to be in heaven, and you’re going to see him. Jesus took him by the death of the cross. Two thieves. Which are you? Which cross are you on? The one that’s rejecting or neglecting or even making fun? Or are you the one that receives and accepts?”
I know of no short narrative in the Bible that is more encouraging than these words and this promise.
Stay well this week.
Gospel of John